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Currency Root :: Currency List

This is the master list of all currencies, sorted in alphabetical order.  Please note that this list is complete for ISO currencies, and that we are currently in the process of adding cryptographic currencies.

Descriptor Symbol Precision Unit Name
020 8 Satoshi 020LondonCoin
10MT 8 Token 10M Token
1337 8 Satoshi 1337 (LeetCoin)
1CR 8 Satoshi 1CRedit
1ST 8 Satoshi First Blood
2GIVE 8 Satoshi 2GIVEcoin
300 8 Satoshi 300 Token
42 8 Satoshi 42-coin
4CHN 8 Satoshi ChanCoin
611 8 Satoshi SixEleven
808 8 Satoshi 808Coin
888 ⯃ 8 Satoshi Octocoin
8BIT 8 Satoshi 8Bit Coin
9COIN 8 Satoshi 9Coin
ABC 8 Satoshi Alphabit
ABJ 8 Satoshi Abjcoin
ABN 8 Satoshi AbnCoin
ABY 8 Satoshi ArtByte Coin
AC 8 Satoshi Asiacoin
ACC 8 Satoshi AdCoin
ACCI 8 Satoshi NxttyACCI
ACCN 8 Satoshi Accelerator Network
ACES 8 Satoshi Aces
ACN 8 Satoshi Avoncoin
ACO 8 Satoshi AriseCoin
ACOIN 8 Satoshi Acoin
ACP 8 Satoshi AnarchistsPrime
ACT 8 Satoshi Achain
ACTN 8 Satoshi Action Coin Platform
ADA 8 Satoshi Cardano
ADC 🔊 8 Satoshi AudioCoin
ADCN 8 Satoshi Asiadigicoin
ADK 8 Satoshi Aidos Kuneen
ADL 8 Satoshi Adelphoi
ADN Ⓐ 8 Satoshi Aiden
ADST 8 Satoshi AdShares
ADT 8 Satoshi AdToken Coin
ADX 8 Satoshi AdEx Coin
ADZ 8 Satoshi Adzcoin
AE ∞ 8 Satoshi Aeternity
AED د.إ 2 Dirham UAE Dirham
AEON æ 8 Satoshi AeonCoin
AERM æ 8 Satoshi Aerium
AFN ؋ 2 Afghani Afghan Afghani
AGI 8 Satoshi SingularityNET
AGLC 8 Satoshi AgrolifeCoin
AGRS 8 Satoshi Agoras
AHT 8 Satoshi Bowhead
AIB 8 Satoshi Advanced Internet Blocks
AID 8 Satoshi AidBit
AIR 8 Satoshi AirToken
AKY 8 Satoshi Akuya Coin
ALL L 2 Lek Albanian Lek
ALL2 8 Satoshi Allion
ALQO 8 Satoshi ALQO
ALT 8 Satoshi Altcoin
ALTC 8 Satoshi AntiLitecoin
ALTCOM 8 Satoshi AltCommunity Coin
AMBER 8 Satoshi AmberCoin
AMD ֏ 2 Dram Armenian Dram
AMIS 8 Satoshi AMIS Coin
AMMO 8 Satoshi Ammo Rewards
AMP 8 Satoshi Synereo
AMS 8 Satoshi AmsterdamCoin
ANC 8 Satoshi Anoncoin
ANG ƒ 2 Guilder Netherlands Antillean Guilder
ANI 8 Satoshi AnimeCoin
ANT 8 Satoshi Aragon
ANTI 8 Satoshi AntiBitcoin
ANTX 8 Satoshi Antimatter Asset
AOA Kz 2 Kwanza Angolan Kwanza
APC 8 Satoshi AlpaCoin
APEX 8 Satoshi APEXcoin
APW 8 Satoshi AppleCoin
APX 8 Satoshi APX Coin
ARB 8 Satoshi ARbit
ARC 8 Satoshi Arcade Token
ARCH 8 Satoshi ARCHcoin
ARCO 8 Satoshi AcquariusCoin
ARCTIC 8 Satoshi ArcticCoin
ARDR 8 Satoshi Ardor
ARG 8 Satoshi Argentum
ARGUS 8 Satoshi Argus
ARI 8 Satoshi Aricoin
ARK 8 Satoshi ArkCoin
ARS ₱ 2 Peso Argentine Peso
ASAFE2 8 Satoshi AllSafe
ASC 8 Satoshi AsicCoin
ASN 8 Satoshi Aseancoin
ATB 8 Satoshi ATBCoin
ATCC 8 Satoshi ATC Coin
ATM 8 Satoshi ATMChain
ATMC 8 Satoshi ATMCoin
ATMS 8 Satoshi Atmos
ATN 8 Satoshi Athena
ATOM 8 Satoshi Atomic Coin
ATX 8 Satoshi Artex Coin
AU 8 Satoshi AurumCoin
AUD $ 2 Dollar Australian Dollar
AUR ᚠ 8 Fehu Auroracoin
AURS 8 Satoshi Aureus
AV 8 Satoshi AvatarCoin
AVT 8 Satoshi Aventus
AWG ƒ 2 Florin Aruban Florin
AXF 8 Satoshi AxFunds
AXIOM 8 Satoshi Axiom
AZN ₼ 2 Manat Azerbaijan Manat
B2X ₿ 8 Satoshi SegWit2x Bitcoin Hardfork
B3 8 Satoshi B3Coin
BA 8 Satoshi Bankcoin
BAC 8 Satoshi BitAlphaCoin
BAM KM 2 Mark Convertible Mark
BAN 8 Satoshi Bananacoin
BANK B@ 8 Satoshi Bankcoin
BAS 8 Satoshi BitAsean
BASH 8 Satoshi LuckChain
BAT 8 Satoshi BatCoin
BATA 8 Satoshi Bata Coin
BATAT 8 Satoshi Basic Attention Token
BAY 8 Satoshi BitBay Coin
BBC 8 Satoshi BigBoobsCoin
BBD $ 2 Dollar Barbados Dollar
BBP 8 Satoshi BiblePay
BCAP Γïå 8 Satoshi BCAP Coin
BCAT 8 Satoshi BlockCAT
BCC 8 Satoshi Bitconnect
BCCX 8 Satoshi BitconnectX
BCD ₿ 8 Satoshi Bitcoin Diamond
BCF 8 Satoshi BitcoinFast
BCH ₿ 8 Satoshi Bitcoin Cash
BCHC 8 Satoshi Bitcoin Clashic
BCN 8 Satoshi Bytecoin
BCO 8 Satoshi BridgeCoin
BCOR 8 Satoshi Bitcoin Ore
BCP ₿ 8 Satoshi Bitcoin Cash Plus
BCY 8 Satoshi BitCrystals
BDG 8 Satoshi BadgerCoin
BDL 8 Satoshi Bitdeal
BDSM Γ¢ô 8 Lash BDSMCoin
BDT ৳ 2 Taka Bangladeshi Taka
BEEF 8 Satoshi BeefCoin
BELA 8 Satoshi Belacoin
BENJI 8 Satoshi BenjiRolls
BERN 8 Satoshi BERNcash
BEST 8 Satoshi BestChain
BET 8 Satoshi DAO.Casino
BETA 8 Satoshi BetaCoin
BGC 8 Satoshi BagCoin
BGN ╨╗╨▓ 2 Lev Bulgarian Lev
BGR 8 Satoshi Bongger
BHD BD 3 Dinar Bahraini Dinar
BIC 8 Satoshi Bikercoin
BIF Γéú 0 Franc Burundi Franc
BIGUP 8 Satoshi BigUp
BIOB 8 Satoshi BioBar
BIOS 8 Satoshi BiosCrypto
BIP 8 Satoshi BipCoin
BIRDS 8 Satoshi Birds Asset
BIS 8 Satoshi Bismuth
BIT 8 Satoshi First Bitcoin
BITB 8 Satoshi BitBean
BITBTC 8 Satoshi bitBTC
BITCF 8 Satoshi First Bitcoin Capital
BITCNY 8 Satoshi bitCNY
BITEUR 8 Satoshi bitEUR
BITGOLD 8 Satoshi bitGold
BITOK 8 Satoshi Bitok
BITS 8 Satoshi Bitstar
BITSILVER 8 Satoshi bitSilver
BITUSD 8 Satoshi BitUSD
BITZ 8 Satoshi Bitz
BKS 8 Satoshi BlockShares
BLAS 8 Satoshi BlakeStar
BLAZR 8 Satoshi BlazerCoin
BLC 8 Satoshi Blakecoin
BLITZ 8 Satoshi Blitzcash
BLK Γä¼ 8 Satoshi BlackCoin
BLN 8 Satoshi Bolenum
BLOCK 8 Satoshi Blocknet Coin
BLOCKPAY 8 Satoshi BlockPay
BLRY 8 Satoshi BillaryCoin
BLU 8 Satoshi BlueCoin
BLX 8 Satoshi Blockchain Index
BLZ 8 Satoshi BlazeCoin
BMC 8 Satoshi Blackmoon Crypto
BMD $ 2 Dollar Bermudian Dollar
BNB 8 Satoshi Binance Coin
BND $ 2 Dollar Brunei Dollar
BNT 8 Satoshi Bancor Network Token
BNX 8 Satoshi BnrtxCoin
BOAT 8 Satoshi Doubloon
BOB $b 2 Boliviano Bolivian Boliviano
BOLI 8 Satoshi Bolivarcoin
BOMB B 8 Satoshi BombCoin
BOO 8 Satoshi Boolberry
BOST 8 Satoshi BoostCoin
BOV $m 2 Mvdol Bolivian Mvdol
BPA 8 Satoshi Bitcoin Pizza
BPC 8 Satoshi Bitpark Coin
BQ 8 Satoshi BitQy
BQC 8 Satoshi BBQCoin
BQX 8 Satoshi Bitquence
BRAIN 8 Satoshi Braincoin
BRIA 8 Satoshi BriaCoin
BRIT 8 Satoshi BritCoin
BRK 8 Satoshi Breakout
BRL R$ 2 Real Brazilian Real
BRO 8 Satoshi Bitradio
BRX 8 Satoshi Breakout Stake
BSC 8 Satoshi BowsCoin
BSD $ 2 Dollar Bahamian Dollar
BSD01 8 Satoshi BitSend
BSTAR 8 Satoshi Blackstar
BSTY 8 Satoshi GlobalBoost-Y
BTA 8 Satoshi Bitcoin All
BTB 8 Satoshi BitBar
BTC ₿ 8 Satoshi Bitcoin
BTCAG ₿ 8 Satoshi Bitcoin Silver
BTCD ₿ 8 Satoshi BitcoinDark
BTCP ₿ 8 Satoshi Bitcoin Private
BTCR 8 Satoshi Bitcurrency
BTCRED ₿ 8 Satoshi Bitcoin Red
BTCS ₿ 8 Satoshi Bitcoin Scrypt
BTCU ₿ 8 Satoshi BitcoinUltra
BTDX 8 Satoshi BitCloud
BTG 8 Satoshi Bitgem
BTL 8 Satoshi Bitleu
BTM 8 Satoshi Bitmark Coin
BTN དངུལ་ཀྲམ 2 Ngultrum Bhutanese Ngultrum
BTPL 8 Satoshi Bitcoin Planet
BTQ 8 Satoshi BitQuark
BTS 8 Satoshi BitShares
BTSR 8 Satoshi BTSR Coin
BTU 8 Satoshi Bitcoin Unlimited (Futures)
BTWTY 8 Satoshi Bit20
BTX 8 Satoshi Bitcore
BUB 8 Satoshi Bubble Coin
BUCKS 8 Satoshi SwagBucks
BUMBA 8 Satoshi BumbaCoin
BUN 🐇 8 Satoshi BunnyCoin
BURST 8 Satoshi BurstCoin
BUZZ 8 Satoshi BuzzCoin
BVC 8 Satoshi BeaverCoin
BWP P 2 Pula Botswana Pula
BXC 8 Satoshi Bitcedi
BXT 8 Satoshi BitTokens
BYC 8 Satoshi Bytecent
BYN ₽ 2 Ruble Belarusian Ruble
BZD $ 2 Dollar Belize Dollar
C2 8 Satoshi Coin2.1
CAB 8 Leaf Cabbage
CACH 8 Satoshi CacheCoin
CAD $ 2 Dollar Canadian Dollar
CADASTRAL 8 Satoshi Bitland
CAG 8 Satoshi Change
CAGE 8 Satoshi Cagecoin
CALC 8 Satoshi CaliphCoin
CAN 8 Satoshi CanYa
CANN 8 Satoshi CannabisCoin
CAP 8 Satoshi Bottlecaps
CARBON 8 Satoshi Carboncoin
CASH 8 Satoshi Cashcoin
CASINO 8 Satoshi Casino Coin
CAT 8 Satoshi Catcoin
CBD 8 Satoshi CBD Crystals
CBX 8 Satoshi Crypto Bullion
CC 8 Satoshi CyberCoin
CCM100 8 Satoshi CCMiner
CCN 8 Satoshi Cannacoin
CCRB 8 Satoshi CryptoCarbon
CCT 8 Satoshi Crystal Clear
CDF Γéú 2 Franc Congolese Franc
CDN 8 Satoshi Canada eCoin
CDT 8 Satoshi CoinDash
CDY 8 Satoshi Bitcoin Candy
CESC 8 Satoshi CryptoEscudo
CF 8 Satoshi Californium
CFI 8 Satoshi Cofound.it
CFT 8 Satoshi CryptoForecast
CHC 8 Satoshi ChainCoin
CHE £ 2 Euro WIR Euro
CHEAP 8 Satoshi Cheapcoin
CHESS 8 Satoshi ChessCoin
CHF Γéú 2 Franc Swiss Franc
CHIPS 8 Satoshi CHIPScoin
CHW Γéú 2 Franc WIR Franc
CINNI 8 Satoshi Cinni
CJ 8 Satoshi Cryptojacks
CLAM 8 Satoshi Clams
CLF E┬║ 4 Fomento Chile Unidad de Fomento
CLINT 8 Satoshi Clinton Asset
CLOAK 8 Satoshi CloakCoin
CLP ₱ 0 Peso Chilean Peso
CLUB 8 Satoshi ClubCoin
CME 8 Satoshi Cashme Coin
CMP 8 Satoshi Compcoin
CMPCO 8 Satoshi CampusCoin
CMT 8 Satoshi Comet
CNC 8 Satoshi CHNCoin
CNMT 8 Satoshi Coinomat
CNO 8 Satoshi Coin(O)
CNT 8 Satoshi Centurion
CNY ¥ 2 RenMinBi Chinese Yuan (RenMinBi)
COAL 8 Satoshi BitCoal
COB 8 Satoshi Cobinhood
COE 8 Satoshi CoEval
COLX 8 Satoshi ColossusCoinXT
CON 8 Satoshi PayCon
CONX 8 Satoshi Concoin
COP ₱ 2 Peso Colombian Peso
CORG 8 Satoshi CorgiCoin
COSS 8 Satoshi COSS Coin
COU $ 2 Real Unidad de Valor Real
COUPE 8 Satoshi Coupecoin
COVAL 8 Satoshi Circuits of Value
COXST 8 Satoshi CoExistCoin
CPC 8 Satoshi Capricoin
CPN 8 Satoshi CompuCoin
CPY 8 Ether CopyTrack Global Copyright Register Token
CRAVE 8 Satoshi Crave
CRB 8 Satoshi Creditbit
CRC Γéí 2 Colon Costa Rican Colon
CREA 8 Satoshi CreativeCoin
CREDO 8 Satoshi Credo
CREVA 8 Satoshi CrevaCoin
CRM 8 Satoshi Cream Coin
CRW 8 Satoshi CrownCoin
CRX 8 Satoshi Chronos
CRYPT 8 Satoshi CryptCoin
CSC 8 Satoshi Casinocoin
CSNO 8 Satoshi BitDice
CTIC2 8 Satoshi Coinmatic 2.0
CTIC3 8 Satoshi Coinmatic 3.0
CTO 8 Satoshi Crypto
CTR 8 Satoshi Centra
CUBE 8 Satoshi DigiCube
CUC ₱ 2 Peso Peso Convertible
CUP ₱ 2 Peso Cuban Peso
CURE 8 Satoshi Curecoin
CV2 8 Satoshi Colossuscoin V2
CVC 8 Satoshi Civic
CVCOIN 8 Satoshi CVCoin
CVE 🛡 2 Escudo Cabo Verde Escudo
CWXT 8 Satoshi CryptoWorldX Token
CXT 8 Satoshi Coinonat
CYC 8 Satoshi Cycling Coin
CYDER 8 Satoshi Cyder
CYP 8 Satoshi Cypher
CYT 8 Satoshi Cryptokenz
CZK K─ì 2 Koruna Czech Koruna
DALC 8 Satoshi Dalecoin
DAR 8 Satoshi Darcrus
DAS 8 Satoshi DAS Coin
DASH Ð 8 Dash Dashcoin
DASHS 8 Satoshi Dashs
DAT 8 Token Datum
DATA 8 Token Streamr DATAcoin
DAXX 8 Satoshi Daxxcoin
DAY 8 Satoshi Chronologic
DBC 8 Satoshi DeepBrain Chain
DBG 8 Satoshi Digital Bullion Gold
DBIC 8 Satoshi DubaiCoin
DBIX 8 Satoshi DubaiCoin
DBTC 8 Satoshi Debitcoin
DCN 8 Satoshi Dentacoin
DCR 8 Satoshi Decred
DCRE 8 Satoshi DeltaCredits
DCT DC 8 Satoshi Decent
DCY 8 Satoshi Dinastycoin
DDF 8 Satoshi DigitalDevelopersFund
DEBUNE 8 Satoshi DeBuNe
DEM 8 Satoshi Deutsche eMark
DENT 8 Satoshi Dent
DES 8 Satoshi Destiny
DEUR 8 Satoshi DigiEuro
DEUS 8 Satoshi DeusCoin
DFS 8 Satoshi DFSCoin
DFT 8 Satoshi DraftCoin
DGB 8 Satoshi DigiByte
DGC 8 Satoshi DigitalCoin
DGCS 8 Satoshi Digital Credits
DGD 8 Satoshi DigixDAO
DHG 8 Satoshi DHG Coin
DICE 31 Ether Etheroll
DIME 8 Satoshi Dimecoin
DISK 8 Satoshi DarkLisk
DIX 8 Satoshi Dix Asset
DJF Γéú 0 Franc Djibouti Franc
DKK kr 2 Krone Danish Krone
DLC 8 Satoshi Dollarcoin
DLISK 8 Satoshi Dappster
DLT 8 Satoshi Agrello
DMB 8 Satoshi Digital Money Bits
DMC 8 Satoshi DynamicCoin
DMD 8 Satoshi DiamondCoin
DNR 8 Satoshi Denarius
DNT 8 Satoshi district0x
DOC 8 Satoshi DocCoin
DOGE Ð 8 Doge Dogecoin
DOLLAR 8 Satoshi Dollar Online
DON 8 Satoshi DonationCoin
DOP ₱ 2 Peso Dominican Peso
DOPE Ᵽ 8 Satoshi Dopecoin Gold
DOT 8 Satoshi Dotcoin
DP 8 Satoshi DigitalPrice
DPAY 8 Satoshi DPAY Coin
DRACO 8 Satoshi DT Token
DRAGON 8 Satoshi BTCDragon
DRGN 8 Satoshi Dragonchain
DRM 8 Satoshi Dreamcoin
DRS 8 Satoshi Denarius
DRS2 8 Satoshi Digital Rupees
DRXNE 8 Satoshi DROXNE Coin
DSH 8 Satoshi Dashcoin
DTB 8 Satoshi Databits
DTC 8 Satoshi Datacoin
DTF 8 Satoshi Digitalfund
DUB 8 Satoshi Substep
DUO 8 Satoshi ParallelCoin
DVC 8 Satoshi Devcoin
DYN 8 Satoshi Dynamic Coin
DZD د.ج 2 Dinar Algerian Dinar
E4ROW 8 Satoshi E4ROW Coin
EAC 8 Satoshi EarthCoin
EBET 8 Satoshi EthBet
EBST 8 Satoshi eBoost
EBT 8 Satoshi Ebittree Coin
EBTC 8 Satoshi eBTC
ECA 8 Satoshi Electra
ECC 8 Satoshi E-Currency Coin
ECN 8 Satoshi E-coin
ECO 8 Satoshi EcoCoin
ECOB 8 Satoshi Ecobit
EDG 8 Satoshi EdgelessCoin
EDR 8 Satoshi E-Dinar Coin
EDRC 8 Satoshi EDRCoin
EFL 8 Satoshi Electronic Gulden
EFTY 8 Satoshi Ergo
EGC 8 Satoshi EverGreenCoin
EGG 8 Satoshi EggCoin
EGO 8 Satoshi EGO Coin
EGP £ 2 Pound Egyptian Pound
EKN 8 Satoshi Elektron
EL 8 Satoshi Elcoin
ELC 8 Satoshi Elacoin
ELE 8 Satoshi Elementrem
ELIX 8 Satoshi Elixer
ELS 8 Satoshi Elysium
ELTC2 8 Satoshi eLTC
EMB 8 Satoshi EmberCoin
EMC 8 Satoshi EmerCoin
EMC2 8 Satoshi Einsteinium
EMD 8 Satoshi Emerald Crypto
EMP 8 Satoshi EMoneyPower
EMV 31 Ether Ethereum Movie Venture
ENG 8 Satoshi Enigma
ENRG 8 Satoshi Energycoin
ENT 8 Satoshi Eternity
ENV 8 Satoshi Environ
EOS 8 Satoshi EOS
EOT 8 Satoshi EOT Token
EQT 8 Satoshi EquiTrader
ERC 8 Satoshi EuropeCoin
ERN ßèôßëòßìï 2 Nakfa Eritrean Nakfa
ERY 8 Satoshi Eryllium
ESP 8 Satoshi Espers
ETB ብር 2 Birr Ethiopian Birr
ETBS 8 Satoshi Ethbits
ETC Ξ 31 Ether Ethereum Classic
ETH Ξ 31 Ether Ethereum
ETHD 31 Ether Ethereum Dark
ETP 8 Satoshi Metaverse ETP
ETT 8 Satoshi EncryptoTel [WAVES]
ETX 8 Satoshi Etherx
EUC 8 Satoshi Eurocoin
EUR Γé¼ 2 Euro Euro
EVIL 8 Satoshi Evil Coin
EVO 8 Satoshi Evotion
EVX 8 Satoshi Everex
EXCL 8 Satoshi ExclusiveCoin
EXE 8 Satoshi Execoin
EXL 8 Satoshi Excelcoin
EXP 8 Dagger Expanse
FAIR 8 Satoshi FairCoin
FAL 8 Satoshi Falcoin
FAP 8 Satoshi FAPcoin
FAT 8 Satoshi Fat coin
FAZZ 8 Satoshi Fazzcoin
FBC 8 Satoshi FiboCoins
FC 8 Satoshi Facecoin
FC2 8 Satoshi FuelCoin
FCN 8 Satoshi Fantomcoin
FCT 8 Satoshi Factom Coin
FDC 8 Satoshi Future Digital Currency
FEDS 8 Satoshi FedoraShare
FFC 8 Satoshi FireFlyCoin
FIBRE 8 Satoshi Fibre
FIC 8 Satoshi Full Integrity Coin
FID 8 Satoshi BITFID
FIL 8 Satoshi Filecoin
FIMK 8 Satoshi FIMKrypto
FIRE 8 Satoshi Firecoin
FIT 8 Satoshi Fitcoin
FJC 8 Satoshi FujiCoin
FJD $ 2 Dollar Fiji Dollar
FKP £ 2 Pound Falkland Islands Pound
FLAP 8 Satoshi FlappyCoin
FLASH 8 Satoshi Flash Coin
FLAX 8 Satoshi Flaxscript
FLDC 8 Satoshi FoldingCoin
FLIK 8 Satoshi FLiK
FLO 8 Satoshi FlorinCoin
FLT 8 Satoshi FlutterCoin
FLVR 8 Satoshi FlavorCoin
FLY 8 Satoshi Flycoin
FNC 8 Satoshi FinCoin
FONZ 8 Satoshi Fonziecoin
FRAZ 8 Satoshi Frazcoin
FRC 8 Satoshi Freicoin
FRGC 8 Satoshi Fargocoin
FRK 8 Satoshi Franko Coin
FRN 8 Satoshi Francs
FRSH 8 Satoshi Freshcoin
FRST 8 Satoshi FirstCoin
FRWC 8 Satoshi FrankyWillCoin
FST 8 Satoshi Fastcoin
FTC 8 Satoshi FeatherCoin
FUCK 8 Satoshi FuckToken
FUN 8 Satoshi FunFair Coin
FUNC 8 Satoshi FUNCoin
FUNK 8 Satoshi The Cypherfunks
FUTC 8 Satoshi FutCoin
FUZZ 8 Satoshi FuzzBalls
FXE 8 Satoshi FuturXe
FYN 8 Satoshi FundYourselfNow
G3N 8 Satoshi G3N Coin
GAIA 8 Satoshi GAIA Platform
GAIN 8 Satoshi UGAIN Asset
GAM 8 Satoshi Gambit
GAME 8 Satoshi GameCredits
GAP 8 Satoshi Gapcoin
GARY 8 Satoshi President Johnson
GAS 8 Satoshi Gascoin
GAY 8 Satoshi GAY Money
GB 8 Satoshi GoldBlocks
GBC 8 Satoshi GBCGoldCoin
GBG 8 Satoshi Golos Gold
GBP £ 2 Pound Pound Sterling
GBRC 8 Satoshi Global Business Revolution
GBT 8 Satoshi GameBet Coin
GBYTE 8 Satoshi Byteball Coin
GCC 8 Satoshi TheGCCcoin
GCC2 8 Satoshi GuccioneCoin
GCN 8 Satoshi GCoin
GCR 8 Satoshi Global Curency Reserve
GEERT 8 Satoshi GeertCoin
GEL ₾ 2 Lari Georgian Lari
GEMZ 8 Satoshi Gems
GEO 8 Satoshi GeoCoin
GHS ₵ 2 Cedi Ghana Cedi
GIP £ 2 Pound Gibraltar Pound
GJC 8 Satoshi Global Jobcoin
GLC 8 Satoshi GlobalCoin
GLD 8 Satoshi GoldCoin
GLT 8 Satoshi GlobalToken
GMD D 2 Dalasi Gambian Dalasi
GML 8 Satoshi GameLeagueCoin
GMX 8 Satoshi GoldMaxCoin
GNF Γéú 0 Franc Guinean Franc
GNO 8 Satoshi Gnosis Coin
GNT 8 Satoshi Golem
GOAT 8 Satoshi GoatCoin
GOD 8 Satoshi Bitcoin God
GOKU 8 Satoshi Gokucoin
GOLF 8 Satoshi GolfCoin
GOLOS 8 Satoshi Golos
GOOD 8 Satoshi Goodomy
GP 8 Satoshi GoldPieces
GPC 8 Satoshi Groupcoin
GPL 8 Satoshi Gold Pressed Latinum
GPU 8 Satoshi GPU Coin
GRC Ǥ 8 Satoshi Gridcoin
GRE 8 Satoshi Greencoin
GRN 8 Satoshi GraniteCoin
GRS 8 Groestl Groestlcoin
GRT 8 Satoshi Grantcoin
GRWI 8 Satoshi Growers International
GSM 8 Satoshi GSMcoin
GSR 8 Satoshi GeyserCoin
GSX 8 Satoshi GlowShares
GTC 8 Satoshi Global Tour Coin
GTQ Q 2 Quetzal Guatemalan Quetzal
GUA 8 Satoshi Guarany
GUC 8 Satoshi GoldUnionCoin
GUN 8 Satoshi Guncoin
GUP 8 Satoshi Matchpool
GXS 8 Satoshi GXShares
GYD $ 2 Dollar Guyana Dollar
HAL 8 Satoshi Halcyon
HALLO 8 Satoshi Halloween Coin
HAM 8 Satoshi HamsterCoin
HAMS 8 Satoshi Hamster Coin
HBN 8 Satoshi HoboNickels
HBT 8 Satoshi Hubii Network
HCC 8 Satoshi Happy Creator Coin
HDG 8 Satoshi Hedge
HDLB 8 Satoshi HODL Bucks
HEAT 8 Satoshi HEATcoin
HERO 8 Satoshi Sovereign Hero
HKD $ 2 Dollar Hong Kong Dollar
HKG 8 Satoshi Hacker Gold
HLC 8 Satoshi HellasCoin
HMC 8 Satoshi HarmonyCoin
HMP 8 Satoshi HempCoin
HMQ 8 Satoshi Humaniq
HNC 8 Satoshi Helleniccoin
HNC2 8 Satoshi Huncoin
HNL L 2 Lempira Honduran Lempira
HODL 8 Satoshi HOdlcoin
HONEY 8 Satoshi Honey
HORSE 8 Satoshi Horse Coin
HPC 8 Satoshi Happycoin
HQX 8 Token Hoqu
HRK kn 2 Kuna Croatian Kuna
HSR 8 Satoshi Hshare
HTC 8 Satoshi HitCoin
HTG G 2 Gourde Haitian Gourde
HTML5 8 Satoshi HTMLcoin
HUC 8 Satoshi HunterCoin
HUF Ft 2 Forint Hungarian Forint
HUSH 8 Satoshi HushCoin
HVC 8 Satoshi Heavycoin
HVCO 8 Satoshi High Voltage
HVN 8 Satoshi Hive
HXX 8 Satoshi Hexx
HYP 8 Satoshi HyperStake
HYPER 8 Satoshi Hyper
HZ 8 Satoshi Horizon
I0C 8 Satoshi I0Coin
IBANK 8 Satoshi iBank
ICE 8 Satoshi iDice
ICN 8 Satoshi Iconomi Coin
ICOB 8 Satoshi ICO Bid
ICON 8 Satoshi Iconic
ICOO 8 Satoshi ICO OpenLedger
ICOS 8 Satoshi ICOS
ICX 8 Satoshi ICON
IDR Rp 2 Rupiah Indonesian Rupiah
IFC 8 Satoshi InfiniteCoin
IFLT 8 Satoshi InflationCoin
IFT 8 Satoshi InvestFeed
ILS ₪ 2 Sheqel New Israeli Sheqel
IMPS 8 Satoshi ImpulseCoin
IMS 8 Satoshi Independent Money Systems
IMX 8 Satoshi Impact
INCNT 8 Satoshi Incent
IND 8 Satoshi Indorse Token
INDIA 8 Satoshi India Coin
INF 8 Satoshi InfChain
INFX 8 Satoshi Influxcoin
INPAY 8 Satoshi InPay
INR ₹ 2 Rupee Indian Rupee
INSN 8 Satoshi InsaneCoin
INXT 8 Satoshi Internxt
IOC 8 Satoshi I/O Coin
ION 8 Satoshi ION Coin
IOP Γÿ║ 8 Token Internet of People
IOT ╬╣ 0 Iota Iota
IQD د.ع 3 Dinar Iraqi Dinar
IQT 8 Satoshi iQuant
IRL Γÿÿ 8 Satoshi IrishCoin
IRR ﷼ 2 Rial Iranian Rial
ISK kr 0 Krona Iceland Krona
ISL 8 Satoshi IslaCoin
ITI 8 Satoshi iTicoin
ITZ 8 Satoshi Interzone
IVZ 8 Satoshi InvisibleCoin
IXC 8 Satoshi Ixcoin
IXT 8 Satoshi iXledger
J 8 Satoshi Joincoin
JET 8 Satoshi Jetcoin
JIN 8 Satoshi Jin Coin
JINN 8 Satoshi Jinn
JIO 8 Satoshi JIO Token
JLH 8 Satoshi jl777hodl
JMD $ 2 Dollar Jamaican Dollar
JNS 8 Satoshi Janus
JOBS 8 Satoshi JobsCoin
JOD دينار 3 Dinar Jordanian Dinar
JPY ¥ 0 Yen Japanese Yen
JUDGE 8 Satoshi Judgecoin
JWL 8 Satoshi Jewels
KARMA 8 Satoshi Karma Coin
KASHH 8 Satoshi KashhCoin
KASHIH 8 Satoshi Kashhcoin
KAYI 8 Satoshi Kayicoin
KBC 8 Satoshi KaratGold Coin
KCS 8 Satoshi KuCoin Shares
KED 8 Satoshi Darsek
KEK 8 Satoshi KekCoin
KES s 2 Shilling Kenyan Shilling
KEXCOIN 8 Satoshi KexCoin
KEY 8 Satoshi SelfKey
KGS ╨╗╨▓ 2 Som Kyrgyzstani Som
KHR ៛ 2 Riel Cambodian Riel
KIC 8 Satoshi KibiCoin
KICK 8 Satoshi KickCoin
KIN 8 Satoshi Kin
KLC 8 Satoshi KiloCoin
KLN 8 Satoshi KoLion
KMD 8 Satoshi Komodo Coin
KMF Γéú 0 Franc Comorian Franc
KN 8 Satoshi Kyber Network
KNC 8 Satoshi KhanCoin
KNC2 8 Satoshi KingN Coin
KOBO 8 Satoshi Kobocoin
KORE 8 Satoshi KoreCoin
KPW ₩ 2 Won North Korean Won
KR 8 Satoshi Krypton
KRB 8 Satoshi Karbowanec
KRONE 8 Satoshi Kronecoin
KRS 8 Satoshi Krypstal
KRW ₩ 0 Won South Korean Won
KURT 8 Satoshi Kurrent
KUSH 8 Satoshi KushCoin
KWD ك 3 Dinar Kuwaiti Dinar
KYD $ 2 Dollar Cayman Islands Dollar
KZT ₸ 2 Tenge Kazakhstani Tenge
LAK Γé¡ 2 Kip Lao Kip
LANA 8 Satoshi LanaCoin
LAZ 8 Satoshi Lazaruscoin
LBC 8 Satoshi LBRY Credits
LBP £ 2 Pound Lebanese Pound
LBTC 8 Satoshi Lightning Bitcoin
LCC 8 Satoshi Litecoin Cash
LCD 8 Ether Lucyd
LCP 8 Satoshi Litecoin Plus
LDCN 8 Satoshi LandCoin
LDOGE 8 Satoshi LiteDoge
LEA 8 Satoshi LeaCoin
LEO 8 Satoshi LEOcoin
LEPEN 8 Satoshi LePen
LEX 8 Satoshi Lex4All
LGD 8 Satoshi Legends Room
LIFE ─┐ 8 Ether LIFElabs Token
LINDA 8 Satoshi LindaCoin
LINX 8 Satoshi Linx
LIR 8 Satoshi LetItRide
LKC 8 Satoshi LinkedCoin
LKK 8 Satoshi Lykke
LKR Γé¿ 2 Rupee Sri Lanka Rupee
LKY 8 Satoshi Luckycoin
LMC 8 Satoshi LoMoCoin
LNK 8 Satoshi Link Platform
LOG 木 8 Logatoshi Woodcoin
LOT 8 Satoshi LottoCoin
LRC 8 Satoshi Loopring
LRD $ 2 Dollar Liberian Dollar
LSK 8 Satoshi Lisk
LSL M 2 Loti Basotho Loti
LTB 8 Satoshi LiteBar
LTBC 8 Satoshi LTBcoin
LTBTC 8 Satoshi LiteBitcoin
LTC Ł 8 Litoshi Litecoin
LTCD 8 Satoshi LitecoinDark
LTCR 8 Satoshi Litecred
LTCU 8 Satoshi LiteCoin Ultra
LTH 8 Satoshi LAthaan
LUN 8 Satoshi Lunyr
LUNA 🌙 8 Satoshi Lunacoin
LVPS 8 Satoshi LevoPlus
LXC 8 Satoshi Librexcoin
LYD LD 3 Dinar Libyan Dinar
MAC 8 Satoshi Machinecoin
MAD .د.م 2 Dirham Moroccan Dirham
MADS 8 Satoshi SatoshiMadness
MAGN 8 Satoshi MagnetCoin
MANA 8 Satoshi Decentraland
MANTRA 8 Satoshi MantraCoin
MAO 8 Satoshi Mao ZeDong
MAPC 8 Satoshi MapCoin
MAR 8 Satoshi Marijuanacoin
MARS 8 Satoshi Marscoin
MARX 8 Satoshi MarxCoin
MARYJ 8 Satoshi MaryJane
MAVRO 8 Satoshi Mavro
MAX 8 Satoshi MaxCoin
MAY 8 Satoshi Theresa May Coin
MBI 8 Satoshi Monster Byte
MBIT 8 Satoshi MBitBooks
MBL 8 Satoshi MobileCash
MBRS 8 Satoshi Embers
MCAP 8 Satoshi MCAP Coin
MCO 8 Satoshi Monaco Coin
MCR 8 Satoshi Macro
MCRN 8 Satoshi Macron
MCZ 8 Satoshi MangoCoinz
MDA 8 Satoshi Moeda Loyalty Points
MDL leu 2 Leu Moldovan Leu
MEC 8 Satoshi Megacoin
MEME 8 Satoshi Memetic
MEN 8 Satoshi PeopleCoin
MEOW 8 Satoshi Kittehcoin
MER 8 Satoshi Mercury
METAL 8 Satoshi MetalCoin
MG 8 Satoshi Mind Gene
MGA Ar 2 Ariary Malagasy Ariary
MGC 8 Satoshi MergeCoin
MGC2 8 Satoshi GulfCoin
MGM 8 Satoshi Magnum
MGO 8 Satoshi MobileGo Coin
MI 8 Satoshi Xiao Mi Coin
MILO 8 Satoshi MiloCoin
MIN 8 Satoshi Mineralscoin
MIND 8 Satoshi MindCoin
MINEX 8 Satoshi Minex
MINT 8 Satoshi Mintcoin
MIOTA 8 Satoshi IOTA
MIU 8 Satoshi MIYUCoin
MKD ╨┤╨╡╨╜ 2 Denar Macedonian Denar
MLN 8 Satoshi MelonCoin
MMK ကျပ် 2 Kyat Burmese Kyat
MMNXT 8 Satoshi MMNXT Coin
MMXVI 8 Satoshi MMXVI Coin
MNC 8 Satoshi Mincoin
MNE 8 Satoshi Minereum
MNM 8 Satoshi Mineum
MNT Γé« 2 Tugrik Mongolian Tugrik (or t├╢gr├╢g)
MOD 8 Satoshi Modum
MOIN 8 Satoshi Moin Coin
MOJO 8 Satoshi Mojocoin
MON 8 Satoshi Monocle
MONA 8 Satoshi MonaCoin
MONETA Γô£ 8 Satoshi Moneta
MONEY 8 Satoshi MoneyCoin
MOON 8 Satoshi Mooncoin
MOP MOP$ 2 Pataca Macau Pataca
MOTO 8 Satoshi Motocoin
MRBS 8 Satoshi Embers
MRC 8 Satoshi microCoin
MRJA 8 Satoshi GanjaCoin
MRNG 8 Satoshi MorningStar
MRO UM 2 Ouguiya Mauritanian Ouguiya
MRT 8 Satoshi Miners' Reward Token
MSC 8 Satoshi MaidSafeCoin
MSCN 8 Satoshi Master Swiscoin
MSD 8 Satoshi MSD Coin
MSP 8 Satoshi Mothership
MST 8 Satoshi MustangCoin
MTC 8 Satoshi Marinecoin
MTH 8 Satoshi Monetha
MTL 8 Satoshi Metalcoin
MTLMC3 💿 8 Satoshi Metal Music Coin
MTM 8 Satoshi MTMGaming
MTN 31 Ether Metronome Token
MTNC 8 Satoshi Masternodecoin
MTR 8 Satoshi MasterTraderCoin
MUE 8 Quark MonetaryUnit
MUG 8 Satoshi MikeTheMug
MUR Γé¿ 2 Rupee Mauritius Rupee
MUSE 8 Satoshi Muse
MUSIC ΓÖ¬ 8 Satoshi Musicoin
MVR .ރ 2 Rufiyaa Maldivian Rufiyaa
MWK MK 2 Kwacha Malawian Kwacha
MXN ₱ 2 Peso Mexican Peso
MXT 8 Satoshi MarteXcoin
MXV ₱ 2 Peso Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI)
MYB 8 Satoshi MyBit Token
MYC 8 Satoshi MaYaCoin
MYR RM 2 Ringgit Malaysian Ringgit
MYST 8 Satoshi Mysterium
MZC 8 Satoshi MazaCoin
MZN MT 2 Metical Mozambique Metical
NAD $ 2 Dollar Namibia Dollar
NAMO 8 Satoshi NamoCoin
NANOX 8 Satoshi Project-X
NAUT 8 Satoshi Nautiluscoin
NAV Ꞥ 8 Nav Navcoin
NBE 8 Satoshi BitCentavo
NBIT 8 Satoshi netBit
NDAO 8 Satoshi NeuroDAO
NDC 8 Satoshi NeverDie
NEBL 8 Satoshi Neblio
NEO 8 Satoshi Neo
NEOS 8 Satoshi NeosCoin
NET 8 Satoshi NetCoin
NET2 8 Satoshi Nimiq
NETKO 8 Satoshi Netko
NEU 8 Satoshi NeuCoin
NEVA 8 Satoshi NevaCoin
NEWB 8 Satoshi Newbium
NGN ₦ 2 Naira Nigerian Naira
NIO C$ 2 Oro Nicaraguan Cordoba
NKA 8 Satoshi IncaKoin
NLC2 8 Satoshi NoLimitCoin
NLG 8 Satoshi Gulden Coin
NMC Γäò 8 Swartz Namecoin
NMR 8 Satoshi Numeraire
NOBL 8 Satoshi NobleCoin
NODC 8 Satoshi NodeCoin
NODE 8 Satoshi Node
NOK kr 2 Krone Norwegian Krone
NOTE 8 Satoshi DNotes
NPR Γé¿ 2 Rupee Nepalese Rupee
NRO 8 Satoshi Neuro
NSR 8 Satoshi NuShares
NTC 8 Satoshi NeptuneCoin
NTCC 8 Satoshi Neptune Classic
NTO 8 Satoshi Fujinto
NTRN 8 Satoshi Neutron
NULS 8 Satoshi Nuls
NVC 8 Satoshi Novacoin
NVO 8 Satoshi NVO Coin
NXC 8 Satoshi Nexium
NXS 8 Satoshi NexusCoin
NXT 8 Quant Nxtcoin
NXTTY 8 Satoshi NxTTYcoin
NXTV 8 Satoshi NXTventure
NXX 8 Satoshi Nexxus
NYAN 8 Satoshi Nyancoin
NYC 8 Satoshi NewYorkCoin
NZD $ 2 Dollar New Zealand Dollar
OAX 8 Satoshi OAX Coin
OCEAN 8 Satoshi BurstOcean
OCL 8 Satoshi Oceanlab
OCN 8 Satoshi Operacoin
OCOW 8 Satoshi OCOW Coin
OCT 8 Satoshi OracleChain
ODN 8 Satoshi Obsidian
OFF 8 Satoshi Cthulhu Offerings
OHM 8 Satoshi OHM Coin
OK 8 Satoshi OKCash
OMC 8 Satoshi Omicron
OMG 8 Satoshi OmiseGo Coin
OMNI 8 Satoshi Omni Mastercoin
OMR ﷼ 3 Omani Rial Omani
ONION 8 Satoshi DeepOnion
ONX 8 Satoshi Onix
OP 8 Satoshi Operand
OPAL 8 Satoshi Opal
OPES 8 Satoshi Opescoin
OPT 8 Satoshi Opus
ORB 8 Satoshi Orbitcoin
ORLY 8 Satoshi Orlycoin
ORME 8 Satoshi Ormeus Coin
OS76 8 Satoshi OsmiumCoin
OX 8 Satoshi OX Fina
P7C 8 Satoshi P7Coin
PAB B/. 2 Balboa Panamanian Balboa
PAC 8 Satoshi Paccoin
PAK 8 Satoshi Pakcoin
PANGEA 8 Satoshi Pangea Poker
PART 8 Satoshi Particl Coin
PASC 8 Satoshi Pascal Coin
PASL 8 Satoshi Pascal Lite
PAY 8 Satoshi TenX Coin
PAYP 8 Satoshi PayPeer
PBT 8 Satoshi Primalbase
PC 8 Satoshi Pinkcoin
PCN 8 Satoshi PeepCoin
PCS 8 Satoshi Pabyosi Coin (Special)
PDC Γ¿₧ 8 Satoshi Project Decorum
PDG 8 Satoshi PinkDog
PEC 8 Satoshi PeaceCoin
PEER 8 Satoshi Peercoin
PEN S/ 2 Sol Peruvian Sol
PEPECASH 8 Satoshi PepeCash
PEX 8 Satoshi PosEx
PGK K 2 Kina Papua New Guinean Kina
PGL 8 Satoshi Prospectors Gold
PHO 8 Satoshi Photon
PHP ₱ 2 Piso Philippine Piso
PHS 8 Satoshi Philsopher Stones
PI 8 Satoshi PiCoin
PIE 8 Satoshi PIECoin
PIGGY 8 Satoshi Piggycoin
PING 8 Satoshi CryptoPing
PINK 8 Satoshi PinkCoin
PIP 8 Satoshi Pipcoin
PIVX 8 Quark PIVX Coin
PIX 8 Satoshi Lampix
PIZZA 8 Satoshi PizzaCoin
PKB 8 Satoshi ParkByte
PKR Γé¿ 2 Rupee Pakistan Rupee
PLBT 8 Satoshi Polybius
PLN zł 2 Zloty Polish Zloty
PLNC 8 Satoshi PLNcoin
PLR 8 Satoshi Pillar
PLU 8 Satoshi Pluton
PND 8 Pandoshi Pandacoin
POE 8 Satoshi Po.et
POKE 8 Satoshi PokeCoin
PONZI 8 Satoshi PonziCoin
POP 8 Satoshi PopularCoin
POST 8 Satoshi PostCoin
POSW 8 Satoshi PoSW Coin
POT Ᵽ 8 Satoshi PotCoin
POWR 8 Satoshi Power Ledger
PPC Ᵽ 8 Satoshi Peercoin
PPP 8 Satoshi PayPie
PPT 8 Satoshi Populous
PPY 8 Satoshi Peerplays
PRC 8 Satoshi PRCoin
PRES 8 Satoshi President Trump
PRIMU 8 Satoshi Primulon
PRM 8 Satoshi PrismChain
PRN 8 Satoshi Protean
PRO 8 Satoshi Propy
PROC 8 Satoshi ProCurrency
PRX 8 Satoshi Printerium
PSB 8 Satoshi Pesobit
PST 8 Satoshi Primas
PSY 8 Satoshi Psilocybin
PTC 8 Satoshi Pesetacoin
PTOY 8 Satoshi Patientory
PULSE 8 Satoshi Pulse
PURA 8 Satoshi Pura
PUT 8 Satoshi PutinCoin
PUTIC 8 Satoshi Putin Classic
PWR 8 Satoshi Powercoin
PX 8 Satoshi PX
PXC 8 Satoshi Phoenixcoin
PXI 8 Satoshi Prime-XI
PYG ₲ 0 Guarani Paraguayan Guarani
PZM 8 Satoshi Prizm
Q2C 8 Satoshi QubitCoin
QAR ﷼ 2 Rial Qatari Rial
QBC 8 Satoshi Quebecoin
QBK 8 Satoshi Qibuck Asset
QBT 8 Satoshi Cubits
QCN 8 Satoshi QuazarCoin
QLC 8 Satoshi Qlink
QORA Q 8 Satoshi Qora
QRK 8 Quark Quark
QRL 8 Satoshi Quantum Resistant Ledger
QTL 8 Satoshi Quatloo
QTUM 8 Satoshi QtumCoin
QUA 8 Satoshi Quantum
QWARK 8 Satoshi Qwark
R 8 Satoshi Revain
RADS 8 Satoshi Radium Coin
RAIN ⛆ 8 Satoshi Condensate
RBBT 🐇 8 Satoshi RabbitCoin
RBIES 8 Satoshi Rubies
RBT 8 Satoshi Rimbit
RBX 8 Satoshi Ripto Bux
RBY 8 Satoshi Rubycoin
RC 8 Satoshi RussiaCoin
RCN 8 Satoshi Ripio Credit Network
RCO 8 Satoshi Rcoin
RDD 8 Satoshi Reddcoin
REAL 8 Satoshi REAL Coin
REC 8 Satoshi Regalcoin
RED 8 Satoshi RedCoin
REE 8 Satoshi ReeCoin
REGA 8 Satoshi Regacoin
REP 8 Satoshi Augurcoin
REQ 8 Satoshi Request Network
REV 8 Satoshi Revenu
REX 8 Satoshi REX Coin
RHFC 8 Satoshi RHFCoin
RHOC 8 Satoshi RChain
RIC 8 Satoshi Riecoin
RICHX 8 Satoshi RichCoin
RIDE 8 Satoshi Ride My Car
RISE 8 Satoshi Rise
RIYA 8 Satoshi Etheriya
RLC 8 Satoshi iExec RLC
RLT 8 Satoshi RouletteToken
RMC 8 Satoshi Remicoin
RNS ℝ 8 Satoshi Renos
RON lei 2 Leu Romanian Leu
ROOT 8 Satoshi RootCoin
ROUND 8 Satoshi Round Coin
ROYAL 8 Satoshi RoyalCoin
RPC 8 Satoshi RonPaulCoin
RPx 8 Satoshi Red Pulse
RSD Дин. 2 Dinar Serbian Dinar
RSGP 8 Satoshi RSGPcoin
RUB ₽ 2 Ruble Russian Ruble
RUBIT 8 Satoshi RubleBit
RUP 8 Satoshi Rupee Cryptographic Currency
RUPX 8 Satoshi Rupaya
RUSTBITS 8 Satoshi Rustbits
RVT 8 Satoshi Rivetz
RWF Γéú 0 Franc Rwanda Franc
RZR 8 Satoshi Razor
SAC 8 Satoshi SACoin
SAFEX 8 Satoshi Safe Exchange Coin
SAK 8 Satoshi Sharkcoin
SALT 8 Satoshi SALT Coin
SAN 8 Satoshi Santiment Network Token
SANDG 8 Satoshi Save and Gain
SAR ﷼ 2 Riyal Saudi Riyal
SARC 8 Satoshi SARCoin
SBD $ 2 Dollar Solomon Islands Dollar
SBDS 8 Satoshi Steem Dollars
SBTC ₿ 8 Satoshi Super Bitcoin
SC Sc 8 Satoshi Siacoin
SCL 8 Satoshi SocialCoin
SCN 8 Satoshi Swiscoin
SCORE 8 Satoshi Scorecoin
SCOT Γôó 8 Satoshi Scotcoin
SCR Γé¿ 2 Rupee Seychelles Rupee
SCRT 8 Satoshi SecretCoin
SCS 8 Satoshi Speedcash
SDC 8 Shadowshi ShadowCash
SDG £ 2 Pound Sudanese Pound
SDP 8 Satoshi SydPak
SEK kr 2 Krona Swedish Krona
SEQ 8 Satoshi Sequence Coin
SFC 8 Satoshi SolarFlareCoin
SFE 8 Satoshi SafeCoin
SGD $ 2 Dollar Singapore Dollar
SH 8 Satoshi Shilling
SHA 8 Satoshi SHACoin
SHELL 8 Satoshi ShellCoin
SHIBE 8 Satoshi Shibecoin
SHIFT 8 Satoshi ShiftCoin
SHND 8 Satoshi StrongHands
SHORTY 8 Satoshi Shorty
SHP £ 2 Pound Saint Helena Pound
SIB Ч 8 Satoshi SIBCoin Сибирский Червонец
SIFT 8 Satoshi Smart Investment Fund Token
SIGMA 8 Satoshi SIGMAcoin
SIGT 8 Satoshi Signatum
SJCX 8 Satoshi Storjcoin X
SKC 8 Satoshi Skeincoin
SKIN 8 Satoshi SkinCoin
SKR 8 Satoshi Sakuracoin
SKULL 8 Satoshi Pirate Blocks
SKY 8 Satoshi Skycoin
SLEVIN 8 Satoshi Slevin
SLFI 8 Satoshi Selfiecoin
SLG 8 Satoshi Sterlingcoin
SLING 8 Satoshi Sling
SLL Le 2 Leone Sierra Leonean Leone
SLM 8 Satoshi Slimcoin
SLR § 8 Satoshi SolarCoin
SLS 8 Satoshi SaluS
SLTC ₿ 8 Satoshi Super Litecoin
SMART 8 Satoshi SmartCash
SMC 8 Satoshi Smartcoin
SMLY 8 Satoshi Smileycoin
SMOKE 8 Satoshi Smoke
SNAKE 8 Satoshi SnakeEyes
SNC 8 Satoshi SunContract
SND 8 Satoshi Sand Coin
SNGLS 8 Satoshi SingularDTV
SNM 8 Satoshi SONM
SNOV 8 Satoshi Snovio
SNRG 8 Satoshi Synergy
SNT 8 Satoshi Statuscoin
SOAR 8 Satoshi Soarcoin
SOCC 8 Satoshi SocialCoin
SOIL 8 Satoshi SOILcoin
SOJ 8 Satoshi Sojourn
SONG 8 Satoshi SongCoin
SOON 8 Satoshi SoonCoin
SOS s 2 Shilling Somali Shilling
SOUL 8 Satoshi SoulCoin
SPACE 8 Satoshi SpaceCoin
SPEX 8 Satoshi SproutsExtreme
SPHR 8 Satoshi Sphere
SPORT 8 Satoshi SportsCoin
SPR 8 Satoshi SpreadCoin
SPRTS 8 Satoshi Sprouts
SPT 8 Satoshi Spots
SRC 8 Satoshi SecureCoin
SRD $ 2 Dollar Surinam Dollar
SSD 8 Satoshi SonicScrewdriver
SSP £ 2 Pound South Sudanese Pound
SSS $$$ 8 Satoshi Money
STA 8 Satoshi Starta
START 8 Satoshi Startcoin
STCN 8 Satoshi Stakecoin
STD Db 2 Dobra Sao Tomean Dobra
STEEM 8 Satoshi Steemcoin
STEPS 8 Satoshi Steps
STEX 8 Satoshi STEX Asset
STORJ 8 Satoshi Storj Coin
STR 8 Satoshi Stellar
STRAT 8 Satoshi Stratis
STRB 8 Satoshi SuperTurboStake
STRC 8 Satoshi StarCredits
STS 8 Satoshi Stress
STV 8 Satoshi Sativacoin
STX 8 Satoshi Stox
SUB 8 Satoshi Substratum
SUMO 8 Satoshi Sumokoin
SUPER 8 Satoshi SuperCoin
SUR 8 Satoshi Suretly
SVC Γéí 2 Colon El Salvador Colon
SWIFT 8 Satoshi BitSwift
SWING 8 Satoshi Swing Coin
SWT 8 Satoshi Swarm City
SXC ╬▒ 8 Satoshi Sexcoin
SYNC 8 Satoshi Sync
SYNX 8 Satoshi Syndicate
SYP £ 2 Pound Syrian Pound
SYS ֎ 8 Satoshi Syscoin
SZL E 2 Lilangeni Swazi Lilangeni
TAAS 8 Satoshi TaaS
TAG 8 Satoshi TagCoin
TAGR 8 Satoshi TAGRcoin
TAJ 8 Satoshi TajCoin
TALK 8 Satoshi BTCtalkcoin
TCC 8 Satoshi The ChampCoin
TCO 8 Satoshi Tacocoin
TCOIN 8 Satoshi T-coin
TCR 8 Satoshi TheCreed
TEAM 8 Satoshi TeamUp
TECH 8 Satoshi Techcoin
TEK 8 Satoshi TEKcoin
TEL 8 Satoshi Telcoin
TELL 8 Satoshi Tellurion
TER 8 Satoshi TerraNova
TERA 8 Satoshi TeraCoin
TES 8 Satoshi TeslaCoin
TESLA 8 Satoshi TeslaCoilCoin
TFL 8 Satoshi TrueFlip
TGC 🐯 8 Satoshi Tigercoin
TGT 🎯 8 Satoshi Target Coin
THB α╕┐ 2 Baht Thai Baht
THC 8 Satoshi HempCoin
THS 8 Satoshi TechShares
TIME 8 Satoshi Chronobank Coin
TIPS 8 Satoshi FedoraCoin
TIT Ụ 8 Satoshi Titcoin
TIX 8 Satoshi Blocktix
TIXX 8 Satoshi Tickets
TJS cомонӣ 2 Somoni Tajikistani Somoni
TKN 8 Satoshi TokenCard
TKR 8 Satoshi Trackr
TKS 8 Satoshi Tokes
TLE 8 Satoshi Tattoocoin (Limited Edition)
TMT ₼ 2 Manat Turkmenistan New Manat
TNC 8 Satoshi Trinity Network Credit
TND د.ت 3 Dinar Tunisian Dinar
TNT 8 Satoshi Tierion
TOA 8 Satoshi ToaCoin
TODAY 8 Satoshi TodayCoin
TOKEN 8 Satoshi SwapToken
TON 8 Gram Telegram Open Network
TOP T$ 2 Pa'anga Tongan Pa'anga
TOPAZ 8 Satoshi Topaz Coin
TOPC 8 Satoshi TopCoin
TOR 8 Satoshi Torcoin
TRADE 8 Satoshi Tradecoin
TRADE2 8 Satoshi TradecoinV2
TRC 8 Satoshi Terracoin
TRI 8 Satoshi Triangles
TRICK 8 Satoshi TrickyCoin
TRIG 8 Satoshi Triggers
TRK ⛟ 8 Satoshi Truckcoin
TROLL 😼 8 Satoshi Trollcoin
TRON 8 Satoshi Positron
TRST 8 Satoshi WeTrust Coin
TRUMP 8 Satoshi Trumpcoin
TRUST 8 Satoshi TrustPlus Coin
TRX 8 Satoshi TRON
TRY ₺ 2 Lira Turkish Lira
TSE 8 Satoshi Tattoocoin (Standard Edition)
TSTR 8 Satoshi Tristar Coin
TTC Ụ 8 Satoshi TittieCoin
TTD $ 2 Dollar Trinidad and Tobago Dollar
TURBO 8 Satoshi TurboCoin
TWD 角 2 Dollar New Taiwan Dollar
TX 8 Satoshi Transfercoin
TYC 8 Satoshi Tyrocoin
TYCHO 8 Satoshi Tychocoin
TZC 8 Satoshi TrezarCoin
TZS s 2 Shilling Tanzanian Shilling
U 8 Satoshi Ucoin
UAH ₴ 2 Hryvnia Ukrainian Hryvnia
UBIQ 8 Satoshi UbiQuoin
UBQ 8 Satoshi Ubiq
UBTC 8 Satoshi UnitedBitcoin
UET 31 Ether Useless Ethereum Token
UFO 8 Satoshi UFO Coin
UGT 8 Satoshi UG Token
UGX s 0 Shilling Uganda Shilling
UIS 8 Satoshi Unitus
ULA 8 Satoshi Ulatech
UNB 8 Satoshi UnbreakableCoin
UNC 8 Satoshi Unioncoin
UNC2 8 Satoshi UNCoin
UNI 8 Satoshi Universe
UNIC 8 Satoshi UniCoin
UNIFY 8 Satoshi Unify
UNIT 8 Satoshi Universal Currency
UNITS 8 Satoshi GameUnits
UNITY 8 Satoshi SuperNET Coin
UNO 8 Satoshi Unobtanium
UNRC 8 Satoshi UniversalRoyalCoin
UNY 8 Satoshi Unity Ingot
UR 8 Satoshi UR Coin
URC 8 Satoshi Unrealcoin
URO 8 Satoshi UroCoin
USC 8 Satoshi Ultimate Secure Cash
USD $ 2 Dollar United States Dollar
USDE 8 Satoshi USDe
USDT 31 Ether Tether
USN $ 2 Dollar United States Dollar (Next day)
USNBT 8 Satoshi NuBits
UTA 8 Satoshi UtaCoin
UTC 8 Satoshi UltraCoin
UTIL 8 Satoshi UtilityCoin
UYI ₱ 0 Peso Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas (URUIURUI)
UYU ₱ 2 Peso Peso Uruguayo
UZS ╨╗╨▓ 2 Sum Uzbekistan Sum
V 8 Satoshi Version Coin
VAL 8 Satoshi Valorbit
VASH 8 Satoshi VPNCoin
VC 8 Satoshi VirtualCoin
VEC2 8 Satoshi Vector
VEF Bs. 2 Bolívar Venezuelan Bolívar
VEN 8 Satoshi VeChain
VERI 8 Satoshi Veritaseum
VGC 8 Satoshi VegasCoin
VIA 8 Satoshi Viacoin
VIB 8 Satoshi Viberate
VIBE 8 Satoshi VIBE Coin
VIDZ 8 Satoshi PureVidz
VIN 8 Satoshi VIN Chain
VIP 8 Satoshi VIP Tokens
VISIO 8 Satoshi Visio Coin
VIVO 8 Satoshi VIVOcoin
VLT 8 Satoshi Veltor
VLTC 8 Satoshi Vault Coin
VND Γé½ 0 Dong Vietnamese Dong
VOISE 8 Satoshi Voise
VOLT 8 Satoshi Bitvolt
VOOT 8 Satoshi Vootcoin
VOX 8 Satoshi Voxels
VOYA 8 Satoshi Voyacoin
VPN 8 Satoshi VPNCoin
VPRC 8 Satoshi VapersCoin
VRC 8 Satoshi VeriCoin
VRM 8 Satoshi VeriumReserve
VRS ⟇ 8 Satoshi Veros
VSL 8 Satoshi vSlice
VSM 8 Satoshi VOISE
VSX 8 Satoshi Vsync
VTA 8 Satoshi Virtacoin
VTC ßùÉ 8 Vert Vertcoin
VTR 8 Satoshi vTorrent
VTY 8 Satoshi VictoriousCoin
VUC 8 Satoshi Virta Unique Coin
VUV VT 0 Vatu Ni-Vanuatu Vatu
WA 8 Satoshi WA Space
WARP 8 Satoshi WARP Coin
WAVES Γëï 8 Satoshi Waves
WAY 8 Satoshi WayGuide
WBB 8 Satoshi Wild Beast Block
WBC 8 Satoshi WalletBuildersCoin
WCT 8 Satoshi Waves Community Token
WDC 8 Satoshi WorldCoin
WEC 8 Satoshi Wow eCoin
WEED 8 Satoshi Weed Currency
WEX 8 Satoshi WexCoin
WGO 8 Satoshi WavesGo
WGR 8 Satoshi Wagerr
WHL 8 Satoshi WhaleCoin
WIC 8 Satoshi Wi Coin
WILD 8 Satoshi Wild Crypto
WINGS 8 Satoshi Wings
WINK 8 Satoshi Wink
WKC 8 Satoshi Wankcoin
WMC 8 Satoshi WMCoin
WOMEN 8 Satoshi WomenCoin
WORM 8 Satoshi HealthyWormCoin
WOW 8 Satoshi WowCoin
WST $ 2 T─ül─ü Samoan T─ül─ü
WSX 8 Satoshi WeAreSatoshi
WTC 8 Satoshi Walton
WTT 8 Satoshi Giga Watt Token
WYV 8 Satoshi Wyvern
X2 8 Satoshi X2 Coin
XAF ₣ 0 Franc Communauté Financière Africaine Franc BEAC
XAG Γäö 0 Troy Silver
XAS 8 Satoshi Asch
XAU Γäö 0 Troy Gold
XAUC 8 Satoshi XauCoin
XAUR 8 Satoshi Xaurum
XBA Γé¼ 0 Euro Bond Markets Unit European Composite Unit (EURCO)
XBB Γé¼ 0 Euro Bond Markets Unit European Monetary Unit (E.M.U.-6)
XBC Γé¼ 0 Euro Bond Markets Unit European Unit of Account 9 (E.U.A.-9)
XBCP 8 Satoshi Bitcoin Plus
XBD Γé¼ 0 Euro Bond Markets Unit European Unit of Account 17 (E.U.A.-17)
XBG 8 Satoshi BTCGold
XBL 8 Satoshi Billionaire Token
XBOT 8 Satoshi SocialxBot
XBS 8 Satoshi BitStake
XBTC21 8 Satoshi Bitcoin 21
XBTS 8 Satoshi Beatcoin
XBY 8 Satoshi XtraBYtes
XC 8 Satoshi XCurrency
XCASH 8 Satoshi xCash
XCD $ 2 Dollar East Caribbean Dollar
XCE 8 Satoshi Cerium
XCI 8 Satoshi Cannabis Industry Coin
XCN 8 Satoshi Cryptonite
XCO 8 Satoshi X-Coin
XCP 8 Satoshi CounterpartyCoin
XCRE 8 Satoshi Creatio
XCS 8 Satoshi CybCSec
XCT 8 Satoshi C-Bit
XCXT 8 Satoshi CoinonatX
XDE2 8 Satoshi XDE II
XDN 8 Satoshi DigitalNote
XDP 8 Satoshi Dogeparty
XDQ 8 Satoshi Dirac
XDR ₷ 0 Spesmilo International Monetary Fund Special Drawing Rights
XEL 8 Satoshi Elasticoin
XEM µû░ 8 Naka Nemcoin
XEN 8 Satoshi Xenixcoin
XFT 8 Satoshi Footy Cash
XGR 8 Satoshi GoldReserve
XHI 8 Satoshi HiCoin
XID 8 Satoshi Sphre AIR
XID2 8 Satoshi International Diamond
XIN 8 Satoshi Infinity Economics
XJO 8 Satoshi Joulecoin
XLB 8 Satoshi LibertyCoin
XLC 8 Satoshi LeviarCoin
XLM 8 Lumen Stellar Lumens
XLR 8 Satoshi Solaris
XMCC 8 Satoshi MonacoCoin
XMG 8 Satoshi Magi Coin
XMR ╔▒ 12 Tacoshi Monero
XMY 8 Satoshi Myriadcoin
XNG 8 Satoshi Enigma
XOC 8 Satoshi Xonecoin
XOF ₣ 0 Franc Communauté Financière Africaine (BCEAO), Franc
XOT 8 Satoshi Internte of Things
XP 8 Satoshi XP Coin
XPA 8 Satoshi XPlay
XPD Γäö 0 Troy Palladium
XPD2 8 Satoshi PetroDollar
XPF ₣ 0 Franc Colonies Françaises Pacifique Franc
XPM Ψ 8 Satoshi Primecoin
XPT Γäö 0 Troy Platinum
XPTX 8 Satoshi PlatinumBAR
XPY 8 Satoshi PayCoin
XQN 8 Satoshi Quotient
XRA 8 Satoshi Ratecoin
XRB 8 Satoshi RaiBlocks
XRC 8 Satoshi Rawcoin
XRE 8 Satoshi RevolverCoin
XRL 8 Satoshi Rialto
XRP 8 Satoshi Ripple
XRY 8 Satoshi Royalties
XSPEC 8 Satoshi Spectrecoin
XST 8 Satoshi Stealthcoin
XSTC 8 Satoshi Safe Trade Coin
XSU S/. 0 Sucre Ecuadorian Sucre
XTC 8 Satoshi TileCoin
XTD 8 Satoshi XTD Coin
XTO Θüô 8 Satoshi Tao Coin
XTS 0 Unit Codes specifically reserved for testing purposes
XTZ 8 Satoshi Tezos (Pre-Launch)
XUA 0 Unit African Development Bank Unit of Account
XVC 8 Satoshi Vcash
XVE 8 Satoshi The Vegan Initiative
XVG 8 Satoshi Verge
XVP 8 Satoshi Virtacoinplus
XWC 8 Satoshi WhiteCoin
XXX 0 Unit The codes assigned for transactions where no currency is involved
XZC ╞╡ 8 Zcoin Zerocoin
YAC 8 Satoshi Yacoin
YASH 8 Satoshi YashCoin
YBC 8 Satoshi Ybcoin
YER ﷼ 2 Rial Yemeni Rial
YES 8 Satoshi YesCoin
YOC 8 Satoshi YoCoin
YOG 8 Satoshi YoGold
YOYOW 8 Satoshi YOYOW Asset
ZAR R 2 Rand South African Rand
ZBC 8 Satoshi Zilbercoin
ZCC 8 Satoshi ZcCoin
ZCL 8 Satoshi ZClassic
ZEC ╞╡ 8 Satoshi Zcash
ZEIT 8 Satoshi Zeitcoin
ZEN 8 Satoshi ZenCash
ZENGOLD 8 Satoshi ZenGold
ZENI 8 Satoshi Zennies
ZER Γô¬ 8 Satoshi Zero
ZET 8 Satoshi Zetacoin
ZMC 8 Satoshi ZetaMicron
ZMW ZK 2 Kwacha Zambian Kwacha
ZNE 8 Satoshi Zonecoin
ZNY 8 Satoshi BitZeny
ZOI 8 Satoshi Zoin
ZR 8 Satoshi ZrCoin
ZRC 8 Satoshi ziftrCOIN
ZRX 8 Satoshi 0x
ZSC 8 Satoshi Zeusshield
ZSE 8 Satoshi ZSEcoin
ZUR 8 Satoshi Zurcoin
ZWL $ 2 Dollar Zimbabwe Dollar
ZXC 8 Satoshi ZCoin
ZYD 8 Satoshi Zayedcoin

Total number of currencies:  1505

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8000 No. 3 Road
Richmond, British Columbia, Canada
V6Y 2E0
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